11 Celebrities Who Love and Advocate for Animals ...

By Vanessa8 Comments

There are so many celebrities who love animals so much that they spend all their free time advocating for them. I think it's really admirable when someone uses their voice for something good like these people do! Here are some celebrities who love animals a whole lot:

1 Ellen Degeneres

Ellen DegeneresEllen's never been shy about speaking out for animals. Did you know that she's the co-owner of Halo and Purely for Pets (a pet care company)? She also founded Joy Kingdom which is actually a Facebook game that allows you to donate to your favorite animal charity! She's just one of many celebrities who love animals.

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2 Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin is definitely a big fighter for animal rights. He's been a vegan since he was a child and has spoken out on various occasions that surely made people think twice about their relationship with animals. He backed and narrated the powerful documentary Earthlings and has campaigned for PETA with countless ads.

3 Woody Harrelson

The Hunger Games' Woody Harrelson has always been really passionate about animals. He's joined various PETA campaigns like 2009's campaign to stop deadly medical training exercises involving cats. Then, in 2011, he joined the campaign against the army using monkeys in chemical attack training exercises. The campaign was a success!

4 Steve-o

You might not think about Steve-O when you're thinking of celebrity animal advocates but he's definitely an animal lover! Steve-O narrated a video entitled "What Came Before" for Farm Sanctuary sharing unfortunate situations of farmed animals.

5 Anne Hathaway

Oscar winner Anne Hathaway is a big animal lover. She's always promoting her veggie lifestyle. Did you know that she threw a completely vegan wedding?

6 Russell Brand

In 2012, Brand was named one of the sexiest vegetarian celebrities by PETA. After watching the Forks Over Knives documentary, he made the switch to being a full vegan.

7 Alicia Silverstone

Clueless' Alicia Silverstone founded The Kind Life to share valuable information and resources to people who are looking to live life "in the kindest way possible." She's also been very active with PETA's animal rights campaigns.

8 Kristen Bell

Fans of Kristen Bell are very aware of Kristen's sloth obsession but that's not the only animal she has a soft spot for. Kristen's worked as an advocate for shelters and fostered animals for years and was rewarded with a Humane Award by the Helen Woodward Animal Center in 2009.

9 Ian Somerhalder

If you follow Ian on Instagram, you'd see just how much he loves animals. He's even adopted quite a few! The Vampire Diaries' star founded the Ian Somerhalder Foundation to support no-kill animal shelters and promote pet adoption.


Ian's passion transcends the small screen and ventures into real-world activism. The Louisiana-born actor's deep affinity for our furry friends is monumental, channeling his fame to voice environmental and animal welfare issues fiercely. Through his foundation, Ian works diligently to educate the public about the importance of protecting animals and habitats. He also advocates for a more humane and sustainable future, proving his commitment extends well beyond just sharing cuddly snapshots on social media. His dedication to the cause is a heartfelt reminder of the impact influential voices can have in making a difference for animals worldwide.

10 Kesha

Kesha's got a super soft spot for animals. The singer has spoken out against cruelty to wild animals like sharks, seals, and lions, as well supporting only cruelty-free cosmetics brands. In 2013, she was awarded the Wyler Award from The Humane Society of the United States.

11 Emily Deschanel

Bones' Emily Deschanel is constantly speaking out against animal cruelty and raising awareness about factory farming. She also devotes herself to the vegan lifestyle! Emily was even honored by Mercy For Animals for all her animal advocacy work.

Well, there you go. These are just eleven (out of many) celebrities who love and advocate for animals. I have so much respect for these people because they choose to use their voice and influence to help our furry little friends! Can you think of any other names to add to the list?

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