7 Celebrities You May Have Forgotten Had Facial Piercings ...

By Jasmine7 Comments

I absolutely admire certain piercings on people, especially when it comes to a few celebrities with facial piercings. It's amazing to see the slow transformation of famous people when piercings are involved. Personally, I was inspired by Christina Aguilera to get my nose pierced at the age of 18 because I thought it was one of the most attractive facial piercings a girl could ever have. In this list, check out the singer along with several other celebrities with facial piercings that you may have totally forgotten about.

1 Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera Well, to start off this list of celebrities with facial piercings, I might as well begin with Xtina herself. Do you remember Aguilera's hideous chin ring in her 2002 hit song “Dirrty”? I just can't get that image out of my head. Yet, the girl pulls off a nose piercing pretty well. That's not all the piercings she's had though. Aguilera has had nearly 12 piercings, including her belly button, eyebrow, tongue, and labia. OUCH!

2 Alyssa Milano

Alyssa Milano Former “Charmed” TV star used to rock a nose ring. In my opinion, Alyssa Milano looks stunning with a nose ring. It didn't take away from her beauty nor did it make her look like a rebel in any way. Nose rings are meant to be one of the boldest fashion statements, and Milano wears one well.

3 Tyrese

Tyrese Some men like to get inked-up while others enjoy a little piercing here and there. Tyrese is one of those male celebrities who had a stud located underneath his bottom lip. During his "Sweet Lady" days, it seemed that not too many of his female fans really cared. His chin piercing wasn't too bad, but I think he looks far better without it. Stick to tattoos, Tyrese.


Over time, trends come and go, and while Tyrese definitely made a style statement with his lip piercing back then, the fashion-forward singer has since chosen a more clean-cut appearance. His piercing may now be a memory, but his edgy look from that era still resonates with fans who appreciate a bit of celebrity experimentation. Whether it’s marking skin with permanent ink or donning temporary studs, Tyrese has shown that personal style evolution is just another part of an artist's journey.

4 Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson The seemingly innocent Scarlett Johansson had her septum pierced at one point. Yeah, I can't really imagine that either, but ‘tis true. She also rocked an eyebrow piercing during her younger years. I think she looks better without the extra add-ons. What do you think?

5 Lenny Kravitz

Lenny Kravitz Of course the sexy Lenny Kravitz had facial piercings. The funk-rock star actually had a double nose piercing. At one point, the singer was wearing a hoop on the left and a stud on the right. Kravitz also had a number of ear piercings. This dude just naturally pulls off any piercing.

6 Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham Victoria Beckham's lip piercing was located in the middle of her bottom lip, or so people thought. She later revealed that the lip ring was a fake in response to harassment she was receiving from the public. Beckham already has an edgy and sassy personality, so it's no surprise that she would be interested in a lip piercing.

7 Neyo

Neyo We have yet another male celebrity who sported a chin piercing. Like Tyrese, Neyo didn't look right with this particular piercing. Actually, he looked a little too happy with it. Thank the heavens he has ditched this look for a sexier and more grown appearance.

From Tupac's nose stud to Chris Brown's nose ring hoop, facial piercings will always be a way to stand out from the crowd. Did any of these celebrity facial piercings appeal to you? What are some of your favorite facial piercings?

Sources: listcovery.com, rollingout.com, dailymail.co.uk

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