Cuteness Overload Celebrity Pets on Instagram ...

By Vanessa5 Comments

Cuteness Overload Celebrity Pets on Instagram ...

If I could spend hours a day just looking at photos of adorable pets, I would definitely do it. I mean, can you blame me?! Cute pets = instant joy. So, if you're looking for a pick-me-up today, enjoy these photos of these adorable celebrity pets on Instagram!

1 Monica the Turtle

Ahhh, so cute! Demi posted this photo on Instagram with the caption, "Did you know that I'm the godmother of a beautiful baby turtle I'm Bora Bora named Monica???"

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2 Emmy Rivera

Glee's Naya Rivera couldn't stop posting pics of her napping pup when she first got her! Look how furry she is!

3 Bailey and Mochi Harding

Pretty Little Liars' Ian Harding loves to cuddle up with his pups and posted this cute shot of them to celebrate #NationalDogDay.

4 Jack Hale

Lucy's another PLL star who's obsessed with her pup, Jack!

5 Team Lutz

Twilight's Kellan Lutz named his pup "Team".. LOL! Don't you just want to hug that little furball?!

6 Lexi & Harley Hough

Julianne Hough is constantly posting pictures of her two loves, Lexi and Harley.

7 Sir Fergusson Robb

AnnaSophia Robb gives her pup (who has such a regal name) a big smooch in honor of #NationalDogDay.

8 Princess Oreo Parrish

Pretty Little Liar's Janel Parrish named her furry pup Princess Oreo! AW!

9 The Cyrus Crew

Miley is always showing her pets some major love on social media.... looks like they can't get enough of her either!

10 The Grande Pups

Ariana Grande keeps her pups looking super cute all day, everyday!

11 Angel Mitchell

Shay Mitchell loves taking her rescue pup, Angel on long walks!

12 Olive and Walter Benson

PLL's Ashley Benson gets to snuggle up to these cuties every night.

13 Jelli Azalea

Iggy Azalea introduced this incredibly cute french bulldog on Instagram with the caption, "Shrinkabull jam don't shake like that Jelli but you can call her Jelli, for short." Yeah, let's stick with Jelli.

14 Meredith & Olivia Swift

It's no secret that Taylor's a major cat lady but can you blame her when her cats are THIS cute?!

15 Cecil Delevingne

This photo has just made me want to go out and buy a rabbit. Anyone with me?! LOL. Cara even made Cecil an Instagram account, which got 31,000 followers within the first day by the way.

16 Conrad Rescue Clan

Lauren Conrad has already rescued three (beautiful) pups and she's always showing them so much love.

17 Dylan Blackburn

PLL's Tyler Blackburn can't get enough of his sweet boy, Dylan.

Which pet did you think was the cutest?

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