Demi Lovato Best Tour Photos ...

By Vanessa

Demi Lovato is currently on a worldwide tour and for those who can't join her in person, she's been documenting it all on Instagram! I actually got the chance to go to her Neon Lights tour earlier this year and I have to say, she's one of the best entertainers live. Here are some of the photos she's posted from the DEMI World Tour!

1 Production Meeting

Production Meeting"Production meeting for #DEMIWorldTour!!!!"

Prepping for this tour must've taken forever!

Frequently asked questions

2 Stage Presence

"Tonight rocked... I love you Baltimore #demiworldtour"

How bad-ass does she look in all black?!

3 Hair Flips

"I love being able to love out my dreams... #blessed"

Demi brings extra sass to the stage with those hair flips!

4 Always in Style


Gotta let them know who's boss, right?

6 Fashionista

"90's kid."

This outfit is everything!

7 Skyscraper

"Such a dope picture!! #demiworldtour"

When Demi sings her single 'Skyscraper,' she always soars up high!

8 Fan Photo

"I'm a fire starter.."

Demi's constantly reposting pictures that her fans took during the show!

9 Flower Power

"Raleigh.. You were amazing!!! I love this tour.. #demiworldtour"

Demi's tour-style is adorable!

Will you be attending a show during Demi's world tour?

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