9 Famous Vegetarians That Made Worldwide History ...

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9 Famous Vegetarians That Made Worldwide History ...

It seems we are always hearing of who is going vegan or vegetarian in Hollywood these days, but along with the celebs and stars of today, there have also been many historical famous vegetarians and vegans that are known throughout the world for their amazing contributions. I find it interesting that we hear an incredible amount of advertising that dairy, meat and animal proteins are best for our brain and body over plant sources of protein, yet some of the most remarkable and important people throughout history ate no animal proteins, or very little, at all. Check out some of these amazing people throughout history that not only made it big enough to be in textbooks, but also kept their plates critter- friendly in the process.

1 Plato

Who knew one of the most famous vegetarians of all was one of the most well-known philosophers in Greek history? Plato is a famous mathematician and philosopher in Greek history, and he also helped to lay down the foundation for Western philosophy and science.His advocacy for animals has been well documented throughout many of his works and writings.


Plato's diet reportedly reflected his philosophical beliefs about virtue and health. He often emphasized the importance of harmony between the body and the soul, suggesting that proper nutrition was key to this balance. In his written dialogues, he even discusses the moral and spiritual benefits of abstinence from eating meat. Given the centrality of moderation and asceticism in his thought, it's little wonder that Plato chose a lifestyle that would allow for a clear mind and a clean conscience, influencing countless thinkers and earning his place as a notable figure in the history of vegetarianism.

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2 Albert Einstein

No one can argue the importance of Albert Einstein’s contribution throughout history. If one of the smartest men known to the human race can be a vegetarian, then the rest of us should be good to go too! Though Einstein ate meat in his earlier years, he later transitioned to a vegetarian diet out of belief that it could be the most healing change anyone could make in a person’s diet.


Einstein's switch to vegetarianism occurred during the latter part of his life, especially toward his last year in 1955. He expressed the sentiment that "a vegetarian manner of living by its purely physical effect on the human temperament would most beneficially influence a lot of mankind." His insight into the compassionate and health-conscious aspects of vegetarianism resonates with many across the globe. Not only does it underscore the potential for a single dietary choice to enact positive change, but it also highlights the interconnectedness Einstein saw between personal health and the broader ethical implications of our food choices.

3 Gandhi

One of the most important people throughout all philosophical history is Gandhi who inspired civil movements and freedom in India that spread across the entire world. As a promoter of peace and equality, it is no surprise this amazing man was also a vegetarian.


Mahatma Gandhi's vegetarian lifestyle wasn't just a personal choice, but deeply intertwined with his ethical beliefs and commitment to ahimsa, or non-violence. He saw vegetarianism as a way to support the harmony between living beings and the earth. Through his adherence to a meatless diet, Gandhi exemplified restraint and compassion, principles that fueled his nonviolent approach to securing India's independence. His dietary practices continue to influence countless individuals who seek to make a peaceful impact on the world, honoring the connection between the food they eat and the values they cherish.

4 Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin needs no introduction for the amazing accomplishments he created throughout his history. He was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, along with being a leading author, printer, political theorist, politician, postmaster, scientist, musician, inventor, satirist, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat.


Benjamin Franklin's contribution to history extends even to his dietary choices. Famously practical and ever in pursuit of self-improvement, Franklin adopted a vegetarian lifestyle for a time, motivated by both health reasons and ethical considerations about the treatment of animals. His choice reflects the complexity of a man ahead of his time, intertwining personal health with a compassionate ethic. As a polymath, his actions often rippled across society, subtly influencing the cultural norms of his era and beyond. Franklin's embrace of vegetarianism serves as an early nod to a movement that would continue to grow for centuries.

5 Leonardo Da Vinci

As one of the leading people to change history throughout art and culture, da Vinci is one of the most inspiring artists of all time. Along with being a vegetarian, he was a painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer. He is said to be the most genius person throughout all history.


Leonardo da Vinci's vegetarianism was intertwined with his profound respect for all living things. His dedication to nonviolence against animals was as radical as his art, forever altering perceptions about diet and ethics. This Renaissance man defied the conventions of his time, and his choice for a meat-free diet reflected his broader commitment to innovation, compassion, and curios exploration into the intricacies of nature and human creativity. His extraordinary works and lifestyle continue to resonate, encouraging new generations in their pursuit of artistic and intellectual advancement while considering the impact on all life forms.

6 Mary Shelley

This incredible writer and novelist is one of the most well-known women of all time in the arts and culture genre of history. Shelley is best known for her novel Frankenstein.


Mary Shelley's impact extends beyond literature into the realm of philosophical and ethical debates, much of which intersects with discussions on vegetarianism. Her creation, Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, not only broke boundaries in the genre of science fiction but also questioned the essence of life and the consequences of playing God. Despite the monster's portrayal in popular culture, Shelley's original work presents a being with profound sensibilities, an aspect that aligns intriguingly with her own reported leanings towards a meat-free diet, reflecting a deep concern for living creatures and the sanctity of nature.

7 Alexander Pope

Alexander Pope is another person to make history through writing. He was an 18th century poet who is best known for creating the English version of the novel Homer. Pope was also a leader in the 18th century to create multiple pieces of famous poetry and literature.


Alexander Pope wasn't just notable for his literary contributions; he was also recognized for his dietary choices, adhering to vegetarianism at a time when it was far from the norm. His beliefs in personal health and ethical considerations regarding animals influenced his lifestyle in a society predominantly composed of meat-eaters. Pope's choice to abstain from meat reflected a forward-thinking attitude towards diet and animal welfare, aligning him with other historical figures who also saw the value in a plant-based lifestyle. His influence extends beyond poetry, touching on cultural practices that continue to resonate today.

8 Abraham Lincoln

My favorite president in school was Abraham Lincoln as I’m sure he was for many of you too. As a person who fought for equal rights, it is no surprise this amazing man was also a vegetarian.


Lincoln, known for his leadership during the American Civil War and his efforts in abolishing slavery, also showed compassion for animals, aligning with the many women today who choose a plant-based diet for ethical reasons. While some debate his vegetarianism, his reported distaste for animal cruelty and his letters mentioning a desire to avoid meat suggest that his heart was with the cause. His moral convictions and progressive views only add to the esteem in which we hold Honest Abe - a man truly ahead of his time in many ways.

9 Johnny Appleseed

Do you remember hearing about this entrepreneur who made history by his profession in chopping down apple trees? I always loved the story of Johnny Appleseed, who was well-known in his time for speaking against animal abuse. It is even said he would prevent lighting fires to trees because it would kill the insects that lived around and in them.

Though I believe everyone is entitled to their own choice of what they eat, I always like to tell people that you don’t have to eat animals or meat to be smart, successful and healthy. Obviously, these incredible historical figures prove that theory to be true. Do you know of any more famous vegetarians that made history?

Sources: vegan.wikia.com

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