9 Gorgeous Athletes to Watch for at the Olympics ...

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9 Gorgeous Athletes to Watch for at the Olympics ...

It only comes once every 4 years, and when the Olympics come around there are some damn gorgeous athletes to watch out for. It sucks a little that half the time they’re under layers of clothing and have on ski masks and helmets, but hey, when it comes time for them to stand on the podium, we get beautiful people to root for and it makes this great event that much more exciting to watch! So here are 9 gorgeous athletes to watch out for at the Olympics.

1 Alex Pietrangelo, Canadian Hockey Team

Alex Pietrangelo, Canadian Hockey TeamOne thing is true about Canadians, we love hockey, and when you see this 24 year old, you’ll understand why he’s one of the most gorgeous athletes to watch out for at this year's Olympics. One of the best players in the NHL, he’s come home to play for Canada, and he's well on his way to getting an Olympic medal. Being a Canadian myself, I’m hoping for a gold!

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2 Tina Maze, Slovenia Alpine Skiing Team

I don’t know what the qualifications are for becoming a member of team Slovenia, but if Tina is any indication, looking like you could be a model has to be one of them. She’s clearly exceptionally talented as well; having won Gold in her event, along with another skier from Switzerland (the first time ever 2 people have ever tied for a Gold medal, by the way), it seems like you can have it all! An Olympic Gold, totally gorgeous, and doing your country proud. She’ll be on the podium again, and make us all see why she’s one of the most gorgeous athletes to watch out for at Sochi!

3 Roman Josi, Swiss Hockey Team

Don’t be fooled, his pretty face and talents definitely make him one of the hottest athletes to watch out for at this year's Olympics! I don’t know if Olympians are genetically pre-determined to be ridiculously good looking, but something tells me that they are. Too bad he’ll be wearing a helmet most of the time we see him.

4 Erik Guay, Canadian Alpine Skiing Team

First off, have you seen an alpine skiing event? It brings a whole new definition to ‘flying through the air.’ Seriously, these guys ski off a slight hill and just seem to soar! So aside from being able to fly (which is a pretty damn good reason to watch the event to begin with), the fact that he’s also one of the hottest athletes to watch for at the Olympics is a another reason to start watching alpine skiing. It’s an exciting event!

5 Torah Bright, Australian Snowboarding Team

I’ve always said that snowboarders are hot, and from the looks of it, that’s a generalization that applies to both genders as well! I love watching snowboarding because it’s so cool watching them do tricks while being way up in the air. This girl is not only one of the prettiest athletes to watch out for at this year's Olympics, I’m betting there are lots of people hoping she gets some good airtime so they can listen to that Australian accent!

6 Aksel Lund Svindal, Norwegian Alpine Skiing Team

This guy is quite a looker, isn’t he? Definitely one of the hottest athletes to watch out for at Sochi this year, it seems as if all we should watch are the alpine skiing events! Aside from being one of Norway’s best bets to medal at the Olympics, he’s also a 2 time world champion skier, and has one of the best, and most honest Twitter descriptions – "Most of the time I travel the world in a spandex race suit trying to be fast." Gotta love a funny and gorgeous Olympian!

7 Anna Sidorova, Russian Curling Team

Curling is hardly an exciting sport to watch, at least in my eyes. Then again, if you’re searching for some of the hottest athletes to watch out for, then maybe you’ll find a little enticement in this 22 year old. I don’t really understand curling, but maybe now with more people watching, we’ll come to understand and appreciate this game more!

8 Jean-Philippe Le Guellec, Canadian Biathlon Team

Watching events like the biathlon really shows you just how much talent a person can have across multiple disciplines! This 28 year old athlete started competing in 1999 and joined the national team in 2003, so he’s been around for a while! So far he’s already competed in 3 different events at Sochi, and has one coming up soon. Being on screen so many times, he’s definitely one of the best looking athletes to watch out for at this year's Winter games.

9 Silje Norendal, Norwegian Snowboarding Team

So when the internet is touting you as one of the hottest Olympians of the year, chances are you’ll become one of the most coveted athletes to watch out for, especially on Tinder. For those of you who need a crash course in what Tinder is, it’s basically a like a Facebook App for hot Olympic athletes. You figure out where these athletes are, strike up an online conversation, and let havoc ensue in the Olympic Village. So something tells me that this girl has many a suitor right now!

We’re halfway through the Olympics by now, but that doesn’t mean that there’s any shortage of gorgeous athletes still left to watch. It’s always like a huge uncovering, once they actually get to stand up on the podium, without everything covering their faces, we get to look at them and go – well HELLO! So tell me, who is on your list of hottest Olympic athletes to watch for this year?

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