9 of the Biggest Triple Threats in Hollywood ...

By Leeann10 Comments

There are tons of superbly talented people in Tinsletown, but true triple threats in Hollywood are one in a million. To me, a true triple threat is someone who can do so many things so well, that you wouldn’t even know what to identify them with most! Be it singer, actor, model, designer, whatever it is that they do, you can’t just pin them down because they are so darn good at everything! So here are 9 of the biggest triple threats in Hollywood.

1 Jennifer Lopez

Without a doubt, one of the hottest triple threats in Hollywood is our favourite Jenny from the block. She started out as a dancer and broke her way into films. Often, we forget that J.Lo started off acting before she ventured into the music business. Then she sang so well, and became one of the best-selling female artists in music history. Actress (we all watched The Wedding Planner right?), musician (Dance Again stayed at the top of the chart for weeks), and an incredible dancer, we should also keep in mind she also has her clothing line and her perfumes. Whoosh! She’s definitely one of the biggest triple threats in Hollywood.


Jennifer Lopez has achieved many awards and accolades in her career. She has won three American Music Awards, two Billboard Music Awards, five MTV Video Music Awards, two People's Choice Awards, and two Latin Grammy Awards. She also received the Icon Award at the 2018 Billboard Music Awards. She has sold over 80 million records worldwide, making her one of the best-selling music artists of all time. Additionally, she has been nominated for numerous prestigious awards, including two Golden Globe Awards, two Academy Awards, and four Grammy Awards. She is also an entrepreneur with her own clothing line, perfumes, and a production company.

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2 Justin Timberlake

JT is amazing. That ladies, is a fact! He can sing, he can act, he can dance, and he’s an incredible songwriter AND a designer. NSYNC was one of the biggest boy bands in the world, now he’s one of the biggest artists in the world, The Social Network put him on the list of serious actors, we all know he can move, and William Rast is in department stores across North America. Plus he has a restaurant out there called Southern Comfort, which apparently has delicious food. So hats off to Justin, hands down one of the hottest triple threats in Hollywood!

3 Eminem

Eminem isn’t usually one who would appear on a list of triple threats in Hollywood, but think about it. He is obviously an incredible rapper, he’s a genius songwriter, and he can act (8 Mile anyone?). Plus he’s also a producer and runs his own label, all the while overseeing 50 Cents career (where he is now, who knows but he was huge for a while), being a father, and getting sober. So really, give it up to this Detroit-born superstar.

4 The Entire Cast of Glee

Every single one of the people on Glee deserves to be on the list of the biggest triple threats in Hollywood. I remember when I first started watching this show, and I thought – oh my gosh, these guys are so talented! Seriously, they have to sing, act, dance, and do this all in the time frame of TV, which we all so is so fast paced it’ll make your head spin! I’m just thinking of them recording, memorizing dance numbers, and memorizing their script, seriously it’s insane how talented these guys are!

5 Kate Hudson

I love Kate Hudson, she is just utterly fantastic and super gorgeous. For a while, we all thought she was just a great actress, but then the movie Nine came out, and I was floored. She has an incredible voice, and that dance number she did in Glee (the Dance Again/Americano number) was incredible, I had it on repeat for days. Even the cast said it was like watching Britney Spears in her heyday – the singing and the dancing is just incredible! Kate is definitely one of the sexiest triple threats in Hollywood!

6 Victoria Beckham

Who doesn’t love Victoria Beckham? As Posh of the Spice Girls, we all know this girl can sing and dance but what she excels at nowadays is designing. You know you’re one of the biggest triple threats in Hollywood if you’ve gone from pop star to designer and you have supermodels wearing your designs. VB is a brand, and she knows exactly how special that brand is. I mean if we could all get Mrs. Beckham to be our stylist, I think we’d jump on the chance!

7 Zac Efron

Who know triple threats in Hollywood could be this attractive? Zac Efron has managed to navigate an incredibly difficult Hollywood path and go from being a teen heartthrob, to a fully-fledged A List actor. He has a gorgeous voice, dance moves to make much half the world swoon, and the acting chops to make us all laugh, cry, and beam with happiness. Zac, we love you!

8 Neil Patrick Harris

I don’t know what it is about Neil Patrick Harris, but he was just blessed with being one of the most talented human beings to ever grace Hollywood. NPH is one of the biggest triple threats in Hollywood. He’s an incredible actor (all his Emmy’s attest to that), a Broadway veteran (cue the Tony Awards), and he’s somehow won an award for hosting an awards show. I don’t even know how that’s possible. But NPH, we salute you!

9 Hugh Jackman

This gorgeous Aussie is one of the sexiest triple threats in Hollywood. Hugh Jackman has said before that he loves and misses theatre, and of al the times we’ve seen this man sing and dance and perform in front of us, we’ve all been wowed. Then we go to the theatres and watch him rip the world up as Wolverine and combine all this talents into Les Miserables and get an Oscar nod for it. That alone tells you just how multi-talented Hugh Jackman is!

It’s so incredibly hard to shine and excel in one area in Hollywood, but to be in demand for a list of talents – that is something else! While it’s easy to hate on such talented individuals, it’s also incredibly motivating and empowering! It may take a while to get to flex each one of our muscles and shine in every area we love but it’s something that is definitely achievable. So tell me, who do you think are Hollywood’s biggest triple threats?

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