7 Romanticized Couples We Should Stop Looking up to ...

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7 Romanticized Couples We Should Stop Looking up to ...

There are romanticized couples that society has told us to look up to. However, they aren’t the best role models. Most of them are glorified, because they did something dangerous and dire. These romanticized couples took drastic measures, which is why they’re remembered and honored. You can admire their stories, but don’t strive to be like them.

1 Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet are one of the most romanticized couples that shouldn’t be looked up to. Yes, they had a forbidden love. Yes, it’s sweet that they sacrificed everything for one another. However, they both died in the end. They were young, barely knew one another, and died earlier than they needed to. With any hope, your love story turns out a bit better than theirs did.

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2 Bonnie and Clyde

They traveled around the world together, escaping the law. All they had was one another, and they stuck together until the end. Their lives seem like the perfect romantic adventure until you realize that they stole and murdered for their own gain. In the end, they died with dozens of bullets inside each of them. Is that really how you want your relationship to end?

3 Antony and Cleopatra

Here’s another couple from Shakespeare’s plays. They appear to be a passionate couple, but they’re essentially the reason for one another’s deaths. Cleopatra tricks Antony into killing himself, and then she has to kill herself as well. They didn’t die for true love. They died out of misunderstandings and mistakes.

4 Barbie and Ken

They’re both perfect in every single way. What fun is there in that? Life isn’t perfect, so who would want a partner who’s perfect? Your flaws are what make you you. No one wants to be with a piece of plastic.

5 Ross and Rachel

I love them as much as anyone, and was thrilled that she got off of the plane, but they aren’t free from faults. Of course, every couple has problems, and it’s nice to see two people who can get through their issues. However, Ross and Rachel broke up and got together so many times. Instead of ending their relationship, they should have found a way to get over their issues without ending things. We all knew they’d end up together, so they were just wasting time.

6 Any Prince and Princess

The stories you've read as a child aren't all that realistic. Do you really want a man to come save you? Since the times are changing, women are more independent. We don't need a man to rescue us from our lives. We can be complete without another half, so don't aim to make your life like your favorite Disney movie.

7 Modern Celeb Couples

Even if it seems like two people are perfect for one another, you never know what happens behind closed doors. They might be ‘in love’ while on camera, but fight as soon as the film runs out. Remember that no relationship is perfect. You can hope for happiness, but you have to expect there to be bumps along the road. Regardless of how amazing your partner is, you’re going to have issues.

It’s dangerous to try to live up to a famous couple. Your relationship should be perfect in its own way. You shouldn’t strive to be like any couple that you’ve seen in the past. Can you think of any other couples that people wrongly look up to?

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