Use Taylor Swift as Your Fashion Inspiration This Fall ...


Although Taylor Swift is known as a style icon year round, there has never really been a season that she completely conquered like last fall. Remember how it seemed like every day she’d leave her NYC apartment in some glorious outfit that we’d all be dying to create for ourselves. If her style from last fall is still your fall inspiration this year, here’s how you can transform your wardrobe and dress like you’re being photographed by an enormous group of paparazzi all the time.

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Wear a Cape

Wear a Cape Before Taylor Swift wore a cape-poncho hybrid last fall, no one would be caught dead wearing a poncho. Since she wore it, though, she’s completely created a new trend in fall fashion. I don’t know about you, but the second she wore it I was on the hunt for my own dramatic yet perfect fall piece. Add a cape, a poncho, or a mixture of the two for your most dramatic fall style yet!


Embrace Plaid

Embrace Plaid As a former Catholic schoolgirl, I often try to stay away from plaid because it brings back bad memories of my school days. However, as I’ve gotten farther away from those days, I’ve embraced plaid, especially in my fall wardrobe, and it’s quickly becoming one of my favorite trends. If you have the same negative connotations around plaid, give it some time and I promise you’ll come around and it will be an essential in your fall wardrobe too.


Wear Colorful Pants

Wear Colorful Pants When the weather starts getting chillier, most people agree that it’s time to put away the colorful clothes. I’m not saying that you have to continue to wear those neon pink shorts you wore all the time in the summer, but you can wear some colorful pants to add a pop of color to your wardrobe. Go for a pair of maroon corduroys, or a pair of green skinny jeans. They still go with a fall color palette, but they add a fun pop!


Don’t Shy Away from Prints

Don’t Shy Away from Prints I think there’s a part of all of us that tries to shy away from anything loud, especially prints, during the fall, when simple and calming earth tones are so in style. However, what I love about Taylor Swift’s fall style is that she never shies away from prints. Even in the fall, she wears loud prints that turn heads. I particularly love the large polka dots she had on a sweater last fall.


Wear Accessories That Are Fashionable and Functional

Wear Accessories That Are Fashionable and Functional One of my favorite things about Taylor Swift’s style is that despite the fact that she’s a huge style icon, she still makes it a priority that all of her accessories also serve a purpose when it’s starting to get cold out. If she’s wearing a scarf, it’s not only cute, but it’s keeping her warm. It’s not often that a style icon’s accessories are just as functional as they are cute, so that’s one style tip we should all take from Taylor!

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Follow a Formula That Works for You

Follow a Formula That Works for You Even though Taylor Swift consistently awes the world when it comes to her fashion choices and her fall street style in particular, if you look close enough, it’s quietly apparent that she has a little bit of formula when it comes to her style. Although it changes with the seasons and it’s pretty rigid, when it comes to her fall style she usually wears a colorful pair of pants with a pair of boots, a cute purse, and a brightly colored coat with a scarf thrown in somewhere. Figure out what looks good on you and then try to follow that formula often!


Go Coat Crazy

Go Coat Crazy While we can’t all invest the amounts of money that Taylor Swift can into her massive coat collection, that doesn’t mean we all can’t have a bunch of coats in our own repertoire! Stores like Forever 21 and H&M sells coats for round $20, making her signature fall look accessible for all of us!

What are your favorite fall style tips to steal from Taylor Swift? Let me know in the comment section!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Search conspiracy theories about Taylor swift. It will blow ur mind.(not really but u will be really really shocked)

I love the cape in the first outfit

A little too short for my liking, if I was going to wear any one of these, I would wear tights.

She is too preppy for my liking 😕

No thank you!

Seriously tho most her stuff you can find in H&M and rag and bones...I've looked it up ;)

Noooo , she can't be used as an fashion inspiration , not really

There is no denying that this girl can dress, lol. I don't think I have seen her in an outfit yet that I have NOT liked! O.O

*Let me add that of course everyone does have different tastes. =) That was just my opinion above.

The cape is cute

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