I confess: when I first heard and later saw Lady Gaga, I wasn’t impressed. I thought she was a flash in the pan, a gimmick that would soon fade, relegated to the one-hit-wonder category on Jeopardy a decade from now. But I was wrong. She’s shocking, to be sure, but I’ve become such a fan. Why the transformation, you ask? Here are 7 reasons I love Lady Gaga.
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1. She’s Talented
First and foremost, she wouldn’t be where she is today (everywhere!) without being able to write, sing, and dance, and she can most certainly do all three in spades. Her voice and piano talents alone are sensational… as proven by the fact that she’s one of only a handful of people to have been admitted to NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts before the age of 18.
2. She’s Wicked Smart
I’d never really seen an in-depth interview with her until I saw her with Anderson Cooper on 60 Minutes… and I was blown away with just how bright and clever she really is. If you haven’t seen the interview, watch it. On her website, she says she’s “trying to change the world one sequin at a time,” and how she’s doing just that is amazing — she’s marketing herself, being outrageous on purpose (as she has been since she was a child). She also knows we, the public at large, are waiting for her to fall down, to fail… because that’s what we do. It’s her job to stay upright, to keep our attention… and can you think of another super-star who’s doing that so well?
3. Her Message is Positive
During the 60 Minutes interview, Lady Gaga is shown at one of her shows telling her fans to believe in themselves, to let go of their fears and doubts and love who they are inside. Really, is there any better message we could teach our children, or learn ourselves?
4. She’s Fearless
Say what else you will about her, love her or hate her, but you have to admire her moxie. She is intrepid, positively fearless, endlessly bold. I admire that so much, since I’m such a mouse. She says she’s trying to change the world, and I believe she’s got the chutzpah to do just that. Really. She’s so brave!
5. She’s Not a Hypocrite
Is she perfect? Is she pure? No. But neither does she pretend to be either of those, or anything else. She admit her weaknesses, and doesn’t pretend to be anything other than what she is. For this, I think I admire her more than anything else.
6. She’s Young
I had never given any thought to Lady Gaga’s age, though her body betrayed her as being quite young. She’s in her early twenties, only 24, and she’s so savvy! I can’t think of any other celeb her age (and very few older) that have her drive, her ambition, her boldness. They all seem so… pale… compared to her.
7. She’s Catchy
Getting back to her musical talent — hearing one snip of a Lady Gaga song at the gym, and I’ll be singing it (badly, off-key) for days. She’s so catchy! I’m sure she does it on purpose, but she’d probably stop if she ever heard me singing along in the car…
These are all of the reasons I adore Lady Gaga… not one of them being her fashion sense (though I suppose that would fall under the “moxie” category)… I loved her recent Hello Kitty photo shoot! Are you a fan of Lady Gaga, or do you wish she’d go away? Why do you love or loathe her? Please share!
Top image source: waji.com