Do You Smooch Your Sweetie like Miley Kisses Patrick?

Jennifer Nov 19, 2014

This week, Miley Cyrus was spotted smooching her sweetie, Patrick Schwarzenegger, and they are so cute together!
(Love the beanie, by the way.)
Aside from showing us all how happy she is, Miley demonstrated what most of us already know - there are lots of different types of kisses to share with your own sweetheart... and our love expert, Holly, has a list for us to work through. Pucker up!

Snapshot Survey

Do you prefer texting or calling to communicate?

1. French Kiss

This is the kiss that most of us are used to. Instead of basking in a sweet little closed lip kiss, you part your lips and let your tongue get in on the action. This is one of the different types of kisses that is the most popular. As long as both of you are comfortable with the gesture, have fun!

2. Spiderman Kiss

Even if you haven't seen the movies or read the comic books, you should be well aware of the famous Spiderman kiss. It's when Peter Parker hung upside down and kissed MJ. It's one of the most romantic, passionate kisses on tape, which is why it's so tempting to try for yourself. The next time you're laying on your bed, or your couch, hang your head off of the end so that your partner can give you a peck.

3. Flavor Kiss

Want to spice up your kisses? Suck on some ice, or chew some gum before you kiss your partner. Your mouth will have a certain flavor once you're done, creating a nice sensation for the both of you. Just make sure you spit the item out before the kiss starts, or you'll have to be careful not to choke.

4. Eskimo Kiss

If you don't want to get too physical, give each other an eskimo kiss. This doesn't even require any lip action. An eskimo kiss is when you and your partner rub your noses together. If you're not with the right person, it'll feel uncomfortable, but it can also come across as a sweet gesture.

5. Biting Kiss

When you're about to pull away from a kiss, gently bite your partner's lip. Just make sure that you don't get too rough, and end up hurting them. Nothing will ruin a kiss more than an injured mouth--or even worse, a bloody one.

6. Teasing Kiss

Kiss your partner a bit, and then pull away. It'll leave them wanting more, so they'll go in to kiss you again. When they do this, playfully keep yourself out of their reach. Just make sure that they realize you're joking around, because you wouldn't want them to mistakenly think you want nothing more to do with them.

7. Butterfly Kiss

This isn't a kiss between lips, but a kiss between your eyelashes. During a make-out session, don't be afraid to pause to catch your breath. When you do, you can still keep your faces close and give each other butterfly kisses by batting your eyes against them. It's not traditionally what you'd call a 'kiss,' but it's still pretty darn adorable.

You never want the love of your life to be bored while kissing you. If things start to feel monotonous, and you need some excitement, throw something new into the mix. What's your favorite way to be kissed? Can you remember the best kiss that you've ever had?

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