7 Fittest Celebrities That'll Motivate You to Hit the Gym ...


7 Fittest Celebrities That'll Motivate You to Hit the Gym ...
7 Fittest Celebrities That'll Motivate You to Hit the Gym ...

This list of the fittest celebrities in Hollywood will definitely motivate you to get moving! Sure, they can all afford the best trainers/nutritionists, but that doesn’t mean we can’t look just as good. We can change our bodies right from our own living rooms, we just need to get up first. Take a look at some of the fittest celebrities. Prepare to be inspired!

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1. Pink

Pink Being one of the hardest working women in the music biz, Pink always looks so fierce. After the birth of her daughter, Willow, it didn’t take her long to bounce back into shape. If you look at any recent performance, she’s still sporting those incredible abs. The singer revealed that pre-baby, her workout routine used to consist of an hour of cardio, an hour of P90X or yoga, and a half-hour warm-up before a show. Um, what?! Her dedication easily gives her the number one spot on the fittest celebrities.

2. Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez Jenny from the block has always had an amazing body. Remember her Get Right music video?! She showed off her toned bod and made me wonder: what in the world is her secret?! After having her twins, J.Lo got right back into working out with her trainer. Moral of the story? NO DAYS OFF. If J.Lo can look this good, there’s nothing stopping us ladies! Lets be gym rats together!

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3. Gwen Stefani

Gwen Stefani If Gwen Stefani doesn’t motivate you to hit the gym, I don’t know who will. This woman is one of my thin-spirations! (Are people still saying that?) Her abs look incredible, even after having two kids. What’s interesting about her is that she swears that she doesn’t work out religiously like most celebs do. All she does is eat healthy, work out, and get her cardio by dancing around. That sounds easy enough, right?

4. Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba If there was ever a movie that made me want to get up and start dancing the night away, it’s Honey. If you haven’t watched it, and are looking for some motivation to hit the gym, I highly recommend it! Jessica shows off her flawless bod throughout most of the movie, and let me tell you, it either makes you love her or hate her. No in-between. She’s revealed that dancing is what keeps her body that toned! I’m gonna choose love over hate, and use this as mega-motivation to get a bod like Jess’!

5. Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz This SoCal native is always surfing - no wonder she has one of the best beach bods! When she’s not in the water, Diaz hits the gym three to four days a week, 60 minutes a session - for either Pilates, weight training, cardio, or a mix of all three. Sheesh. I don’t know if I’d be able to do all that, but I sure do admire this woman’s dedication and commitment. At 40 years old, she can walk around in a bikini any time she wants!

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6. Jillian Michaels

Jillian Michaels This one was kind of obvious, right? Jillian is a tough-love celeb trainer and is known worldwide for her hardcore workouts. Her favorite part of her body is her abs, and I mean, have you seen them?! Rock solid. You can watch her on The Biggest Loser and maybe even catch a few free tips if you’re looking for them! Her dedication to this lifestyle is sure to motivate you!

7. Naya Rivera

Naya Rivera Naya has been one of the most popular choices for Twitter’s weekly hashtag, #WomanCrushWednesday. Between the choreography on Glee, Naya swears by indoor cycling and hot yoga to keep her awesome body! She recently released a song, Sorry, and her cover art definitely shows off all her hard work at the gym. If she ever goes on tour for her music career, she’s sure to burn major calories in rehearsals! Keep working hard, Naya!

I’ve totally been guilty of mentioning some of these women for #WomenCrushWednesday on Twitter. These are some of the biggest, kick-ass women in the entertainment industry! I love how hardworking they are. Have you found your new thin-spiration?

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Write a comment ...l love Cameron's bathing suit Loveeeeeeeee ittttttttt

Ooooooooh,,...Jessica Albbba

I like Pink's teeth!

How do they do it? I get tired just chasing the ice cream truck on the rare occasions I see it.

Love Pink

Jennifer Lopez "goddess " running on a treadmill for hours and still won't come close to her wowness she's modivation #1!!

Oops...just disregard my comment!! I was running on as usual...nice post! Thanks for sharing

Do I have "thin-spirations"? Oh yeah. Cameron Diaz has to be one just because she has aged so well? Gwyneth Paltrow, Sandra Bullock, Lady Gaga...those are a few. Every girl needs an inspiration, but I just have to say Jillian Michaels just irritates the hell out of me. She's fittest of the fit

Jennifer Anniston should defs be up there!

Ciara., angela Simmons on Instagram !!

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