I found myself immediately looking for quotes from Robin Williams when I heard the news of his death, on August 11th 2014. His passing deeply saddened me as I have been a huge fan of his since his first TV appearances as that crazy alien Mork. To me he was a comedy genius and a master of voices. He graced our TV and movie screens for nearly 40 years and he will be greatly missed. Remember him in his madcap roles, his serious roles and for his voiceovers. Climb on your table, speak loudly, captain, my captain, and pay a little tribute of your own as you read through some quotes from Robin Williams. I will do so with a tear in my eye.
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
1. On Madness
This is one of the best quotes from Robin Williams that, to me, gives an insight to him as a man and an actor/comedian. I don’t think he ever lost his little spark of madness. In fact, I think his was more than a spark. Sometimes it burned as a great flame, igniting his comedic muse into delivering funny, erudite and insightful views of life, the world and the universe.
2. On Men
The best comedians are always more eloquent than it seems because their best utterances are wrapped in laughter and method of delivery. At the heart of many a comic statement is an insight into the truth and way of life. Tell it like it is, Robin!
3. On Being Alone
They say that comedians are often lonely and depressed (sadly, Robin’s depression was all-consuming in the end). I think this quote from Robin Williams gives us a little entrance into the world of a comedian and our own lives generally. We can be surrounded by people yet still be lonely.
4. On Loss
It’s succinct, it’s insightful and it’s full of meaning that doesn’t really need explanation.
5. On Change
Words were Robin’s greatest weapon and greatest attribute. He used words to entertain and educate us. I think this little utterance is immensely powerful and shows us how he felt about the power of man to effect change.
6. On God
During his stand up routines, Robin Williams often made observations about God (without ever out rightly blaspheming or causing direct offense). I believe he saw man as a greater force for change in this world than religion and how he felt about God is very much up for debate. I like to think he thought of God as an artist and architect, not a puppet master.
7. On Women
Women were a subject he discoursed much on. I like to think he liked women. He was married three times! But I think he liked women in a respectful way that other men simply don’t. He recognized and admired our foibles, but he saw the power in us too. I think he knows what sensible creatures we are compared to men too.
8. On Spring
Robin Williams had a way of distilling a huge message into a simple, often one liner, statement of a few words. His profundity is superbly demonstrated in this one line.
9. On Politicians
Quotes from Robin Williams can express the thoughts of a multitude in a few simple words. The Master of Mirth was perhaps more shrewd than he was given credit for.
10. On Comedy
I love this. Comedy isn’t just entertainment. It is a series of observations born out of hope that those that hear them will learn and understand and grow from simply knowing more. It just so happens they’re presented to us in a funny way.
11. On Right and Wrong
I don’t think you could be any more pragmatic about the way we choose to act and the decisions we make. You don’t need lots of deep thinking to see the sense and inevitability in this quote.
12. And at the Close
I think despite this being a Latin phrase, thousands of years old, for immediate generations past, present and future, it will be associated with Robin Williams. He didn’t write it, the author of the movie screenplay didn’t write it, but Robin Williams delivered it. And we remember it.
Other than Carpe Diem, I picked quotes from Robin Williams that were his own words, not scripted or improv movie lines. His movie performances will be a legacy but his unique comedic mind was a gift we enjoyed for too short a time. I don’t know about you, but I feel a little light went out in the world. RIP Robin Williams. Thanks for the laughs. Please share your favorite quotes and memories too.
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