16 Photos of Ralph Lauren Shop Opening ...


16 Photos of Ralph Lauren Shop Opening ...
16 Photos of Ralph Lauren Shop Opening ...

It has taken three years of painstaking restoration but the new Ralph Lauren boutique and restaurant finally had its grand opening at 173 boulevard Saint Germain in lovely Paris. This by the way is now the largest store of the brand in all of Europe! Fancy huh?
French actor and wine maker, Gérard Depardieu surveyed the first floor before declaring the store was "C'est extraordinaire"
Karl Lagerfeld was present fingerless gloves et all. I'm sorry but they're just weird....
Gorgeous Melanie Laurent said, "The courtyard is very French, but the flowers are very American. More than anything, c'est très fun". Oh I'm sure!
Man of the hour Ralph Lauren with the woman behind his success, Ricky Lauren.
Just a big happy family!
There's Lauren Bush in Ralph Lauren with David Lauren. Wow! That statement could actually be a tongue twister :D

<img class="aligncenter" src="gallery.allwomenstalk.com; alt="Ralph Lauren opens up new shop" />Dylan Lauren looked gorgeous in a slinky, gold Ralph Lauren gown.

<img class="aligncenter" src="gallery.allwomenstalk.com; alt="Ralph Lauren opens up new shop" />

<img class="aligncenter" src="gallery.allwomenstalk.com; alt="Ralph Lauren opens up new shop" />Vogue Paris Editor, Carine Roitfeld was seen in lace, leather and a cape! You'd expect editor of a fashion magazine to dress better right?

<img class="aligncenter" src="gallery.allwomenstalk.com; alt="Ralph Lauren opens up new shop" />You know those moments in life when silence says more than words can? This is one of those moments.

<img class="aligncenter" src="gallery.allwomenstalk.com; alt="Ralph Lauren opens up new shop" />

<img class="aligncenter" src="gallery.allwomenstalk.com; alt="Ralph Lauren opens up new shop" />

<img class="aligncenter" src="gallery.allwomenstalk.com; alt="Ralph Lauren opens up new shop" />

Now THAT is one heck of an opulent looking boutique! Trust Ralph Lauren to out-French the French huh?
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Last edited by sheila on April 18, 2010 at 8:00 pm


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celebs.allwomenstalk.com April, 2010 @ 19:57 [Autosave] by sheila
celebs.allwomenstalk.com April, 2010 @ 17:54 by sheila
• 17 April, 2010 @ 17:54 by publish
• 17 April, 2010 @ 17:53 by publish

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