For decades, Madonna's been ahead of the curve, daring where few women would, "controversy" her middle name. She's wicked smart, wildly talented, unapologetic, and fearless. Oh, and she's in her mid-fifties. And while her detractors say it's time for the Material Girl to go demure, did any of her fans really think that was ever going to happen? She's always used her body and her image as she pleases, with little care for what critics (or anyone else, really) had to say. So while other (younger) celebs have shown some skin for various reasons the past few weeks, Madonna's decided to do the same, and why not?
Sure, she's still gorgeous with a body loads of other (younger) women covet, but that's beside the point. The point, of course, is that as always, it's HER body, and whether she's "got it" or not (yes, in fact, she DOES), she can bloody well show it, cover it, or flaunt it if she wants.
So to the editors at Interview Magazine, where the gorgeous spread will run, I say "thank you." For giving Madonna a platform, and for doing so brilliantly.
(PS: the other shots in the spread, the one where she's just being haute-couture self with nary a nipple in sight? Those are marvelous too.)
See the spread and read the interview here:
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