9 J-Law Moments That Left Us in Total Awe ...


Since Jennifer Lawrence is officially my girl crush (it's okay, Heather knows), I'm kind of obsessed with the best J-Law moments – and goodness knows the girl has had a lot. This young lady is a superstar, and for more reasons than just her acting chops. She's proven she's talented – Winter's Bone, The Hunger Games, even her turn as baby Mystique – but she's also a genuinely cool, real person. This girl is down, and if you have any lingering doubts, check out these fantabulous J-Law moments and see if they convince you.

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This is the Top & This is the Bottom

This is the Top & This is the Bottom “Like this is the top, and this is the bottom.” Is there any better way to describe a fancy dress when you're not quite used to dressing in couture? Many of my favorite J-Law moments occurred at award shows or on the red carpet, and this most certainly tops the list. Protip: if you ever have the chance to describe your dress this way, even if it's at prom or an office party, just do it.


The Trip Heard 'round the World

The Trip Heard 'round the World I was so excited when Jennifer won the Oscar for Best Actress. Her performance was more than worthy, and she looked like a goddess in her dress. However, like most of the world, I fell even more in love when she tripped (mainly because I could picture myself doing the same thing), and then picked herself up with her signature grace and humor. “You guys are just standing up because I fell,” she insisted when she got a standing O. Nah, Jen, they were standing up because you're awesome.


Shaming Fat-Shaming

Shaming Fat-Shaming One of my favorite things about Jennifer Lawrence is her quest to end fat-shaming – and face it, if the stars on high are no longer fat-shamed, there's likely to be a trickle down effect that absolves women everywhere of this menace. Jennifer is happy with her body; she's happy with your body; she's probably happy with my body, too. In calling out the gossip shows and magazines that make disparaging comments based on weight and appearance, she struck a blow against fat-shaming, to the point where not even Joan Rivers spouting “funny” vitriol caused the tides to turn against Jennifer.


Every Photoshop Rant

Every Photoshop Rant Similarly, Jennifer is one of a growing number of actors, actresses, and musicians speaking out against Photoshop. While you can understand the desire to banish blemishes or dark circles, I suppose, when all the blending, smudging, and shrinking goes so overboard that your cover girls end up with amputated limbs or faces so distorted they don't even look like themselves, there's a problem. And frankly, when a girl as gorgeous as J-Law gets a cover, I want to see her, not some stylized ideal.


Starstruck Shenanigans

Starstruck Shenanigans Jennifer gets starstruck just like we do – and by the same people we do, usually. While I adored seeing her so excited to find out that Hugh Jackman gallantly helped her during the aforementioned trip and thought the way she gave Bill Maher the hand because Meryl Streep walked into the room, I love it even more when she admits to being starstruck by unexpected choices. You know, getting enthusiastic over Dance Moms, or causing a minor traffic accident because she thinks she sees Honey Boo Boo ...

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The First Jennifer's Club

The First Jennifer's Club See what I did there? But sorry, I love knowing that J-Law, too, cannot get enough of The First Wives Club. When she won the Golden Globe for her turn in Silver Linings Playbook, her speech was just hilarious. “Oh, what does it say?” She asks. “'I beat Meryl!'” She's quoting Bette Midler! What's not to love? She got huge backlash, of course, but she just rolled with it. I for one was dismayed at the huge number of people who didn't realize it was a movie quote.


Cavorting with Costars

Cavorting with Costars I can only imagine that being in a movie with Jennifer Lawrence is the best thing ever. My opinion here is not based on how many of her costars have said as much, but on her antics with the adorable, hobbit-sized Josh Hutcherson. I'm speaking, of course, of her kind, caring inquiry about his rash while he was being interviewed on the red carpet. Doesn't that sound like something you'd do to one of your friends?


The Perfect Self Esteem

The Perfect Self Esteem It's been pretty well established that J-Law loves herself just the way she is. Even when she's tongue-in-cheek, you get the idea that her self confidence is intact, despite being in such a harsh, cutthroat industry. Case in point? During an interview with David Letterman, when asked to describe herself, she said she's “very well-rounded, and practically perfect.” Got that right, sweetheart!



Pee Okay, look. I'm a weird girl. I talk about inappropriate things in inappropriate places, usually to inappropriate people as well. The fact that Jennifer Lawrence thinks her greatest skill is peeing fast and tells everyone that one of her favorite parts of filming Catching Fire involved her ability to pee in the ocean alongside Josh Hutcherson? That makes me feel not so bad about my weirdness.

We definitely haven't seen the last of Jennifer Lawrence; I just hope she keeps that real, sparkling, funny personality. I love that she's goofy, outspoken, sometimes awkward, and incredibly down to earth, all while exhibiting her own special kind of grace. What are your favorite J-Law moments? Do you have a little girl crush, too?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Maybe she didn't mean it when she said 'punch them'. I think she was just referring to how differently she does while everyone else try their hardest for a perfect appearance. I just love her so much and the fact that she is so normal and weird is what I really like about her and that's what makes her stand out ... Btw, she is weird in a cute way of course.

She is just so freaking awesome. She's super pretty, a great actress, she's not as stuck up as other actresses I just love her!!

I love her. And I love the fact that she doesn't try to hide her awkwardness or weirdness. Even famous people have personality flaws. No one is perfect.

@Erica I apologise if I came across harsh. I absolutely get what you're saying, and you're probably right about her dieting :) I regret what I had said aswell, looking back it sounded like an attack on you and was not intended that way at all x

Haha I saw a pic of her getting prepped for an awards show and her hand was under the table in a bag of chips

@Erica- are you genuinely serious?? There's a big difference in loving and enjoying your craft whether that be acting, singing or anything else but disliking the drama of media. And no wonder she feels that way with comments like yours! As for your comment about her perceived fluctuating weight, I think it's really sad that you as a woman would consider this an important issue and something to judge her upon. Educate yourself my friend, you sound like a product of society.

I read a quote from her that went something like this: "when people are like, I just spent all day at the gym, I want to punch them in the face. I was on the couch eating chips all day" or something like that, and it made me really dislike her. Just because someone enjoys getting fit, doesn't mean they are pushing the image of the perfect thing woman portrayed by Hollywood that she is known for disagreeing with. It made me really sad, different strokes for different folks, Jennifer.

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