9 Celebrity Scandals from 2013 That Didn't Surprise Anyone ...


The celebrity scandals from 2013 ran the gamut between unexpected and unbelievable to decidedly unsurprising. Admit it, 2013 was the year for meltdowns and acts of crazy that didn't really surprise any of us. Some things were downright predictable, so that although they caused a fair amount of outrage, there wasn't all that much shock involved. Seriously, check out some of the biggest celebrity scandals from 2013 and tell me if you were really, truly surprised when they happened.

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1. Amanda Bynes Goes to Treatment

Amanda Bynes Goes to Treatment Amanda Bynes had a tough year – so tough that many of the biggest celebrity scandals from 2013 belong to her. It gets so much worse than saying she wanted rapper Drake to murder her vagina or even calling out President Obama as ugly. Although she deleted it, she even tweeted to Rihanna that Chris Brown beat her up because she wasn't pretty enough. From driving under the influence to throwing a vase, or maybe a bong, out of her window, Amanda's strange behavior culminated in a little bit of arson: she started a fire in a stranger's driveway, and even put her own dog in danger. The only good thing that came out of the whole episode was that Amanda finally received the help she needed. Her forced entry into treatment wasn't a surprise, but it was a very welcomed inevitability. I hope 2014 is better for her.

2. Justin Bieber Does Lots of Awful Things

Justin Bieber Does Lots of Awful Things What didn't Just do this year? Nothing he did was very surprising, because when you're that young and you get that famous that quickly, you have no real perspective. Justin became a runaway train in 2013, from making questionable and kind of appalling predictions about Anne Frank to peeing in public places, getting charged with reckless driving, and apparently smoking lots of weed in his tour bus. At the tail end of the year he retired, took it back, retired again, and maybe took it back. I think the kid definitely needs a break, don't you?

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3. Khloe and Lamar Fall Apart

Khloe and Lamar Fall Apart This one made me sad, but I wasn't surprised. The Kardashians get a lot of hate, and I'm not a huge fan of the majority of the clan, however, I do love Khloe. I think she's at least a little more down to earth than the rest of her family, not to mention ridiculously gorgeous. I was so happy for her when she found love, and enjoyed watching the dynamic she shared with Lamar, who seemed so crazy about her. That being said, as more and more rumors began cropping up, I wasn't at all surprised to learn he'd been cheating on her. I wasn't surprised that she tried to make it work and I also wasn't surprised when she couldn't. My girl got seriously disrespected, and I think she made the right choice – in trying to work on her marriage and then deciding to end it. When your husband starts releasing smarmy raps that make light of his cheating and his drug use, it's time to walk.

4. And so do Kris and Bruce

And so do Kris and Bruce Okay, I know the Kardashians and Jenners are celebrities only by the slimmest margins, for the most part. Society has deemed them celebrities for doing nothing more than being controversial and provocative, but Bruce Jenner, at least, has a claim to fame. His (ex) wife is famous only for being one of the worst people I've ever seen on my TV screen. I don't think I'm alone when I say I've been wishing he'd leave Kris for years. When the news finally dropped, I wasn't shocked in the least – but I was very, very happy.

5. Farrah Abraham Releases a Sex Tape

Farrah Abraham Releases a Sex Tape Teen Mom star Farrah Abraham is only nominally a celebrity too, but since reality stars now count, her entry is a valid one, I think. Although Farrah seemed to mature a little over her seasons of Teen Mom, she made many questionable choices and took a lot of heat for the way she treated her parents, her sister, her daughter, her friends, her fans … you get the picture. Since the show ended, she's been bent on a fame whoring course of action designed to keep her relevant and make lots of money. I guess her book didn't do that well, because she soon “leaked” a sex tape. Her partner/boyfriend just happened to be a porn star, imagine that! It surprised absolutely no one to discover that the leaked, personal sexcapade was a carefully calculated production. The only thing that surprises me is that she actually made any money from it.

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6. Alec Baldwin Loses His Show (and Maybe His Mind)

Alec Baldwin Loses His Show (and Maybe His Mind) Alec Baldwin is known for being provocative. No one's forgotten that, several years ago, he said a bunch of abominable things to his daughter with former wife Kim Basinger, including calling her a “rude, thoughtless little pig.” I like Baldwin's acting but what bothers me about his many tirades is that he always turns to homophobic slurs when he's insulting the people who cross his path. He finally went too far, however; out of all his rants and violent acts toward paparazzi and baristas, he got caught out calling a photographer … well, a very nasty name. This led to the cancellation of his show, Up Late. You have to wonder what he might have said to any guests who offended him. The cancellation wasn't a surprise, and unfortunately his behavior was pretty expected too. He's been saying and doing things like that for years.

7. Lance Armstrong Makes an Admission

Lance Armstrong Makes an Admission Lance Armstrong has been denying use of performance enhancing drugs for years. The allegations came so often and so regularly that some people accepted as a matter of course that the cyclist had taken something at some point. Finally, during an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Armstrong admitted that he'd been doping. Among other things, he admitted to using such aids as testosterone and even blood transfusions. By that point, however, no one was really surprised.

8. Kanye Assaults Everyone

Kanye Assaults Everyone Will a year ever pass wherein Kanye West doesn't have a meltdown or a scandal? He's been after everyone this year. I can more or less understand his hatred of the paparazzi, although his behavior toward them leaves something to be desired. What lands him here is purely my opinion of his worst scandalous meltdown: the utter temper tantrum he threw when he discovered that his over-the-top, largely public proposal to Kim Kardashian made it on the Internet. For real, Kanye? For really real?

9. Gwyneth Vs. Vanity Fair

Gwyneth Vs. Vanity Fair And finally, surprising absolutely no one, Gwyneth had an issue with a magazine! Specifically, Vanity Fair had been planning a scathing, scandalous tell-all that would apparently uncover some serious infidelity on Gwyneth's part. Her plan of action involved calling up all her super famous friends and telling them not to give the magazine or the tell-all's author any quotes or information. That's understandable, but she also called upon them to completely boycott the magazine, telling them not to do any interviews or spreads themselves, and not to buy it. It's just the pretension that gets to most people, I think. Gwyneth does get kind of self righteous and holier than thou sometimes – and gets away with it, because apparently, Vanity Fair folded. I sort of hope that story gets shopped elsewhere, though.

Now, all this being said, there were lots of really outrageously unbelievable celebrity scandals from 2013 as well. They seemed to take everyone by surprise, to the point that we'll still be talking about them even though it's now 2014. What scandal kept you talking last year? Which ones did you practically predict? I have to say that, as a writer, I was also particular bothered by Shia LaBeouf's plagiarism allegations … and his likewise plagiarized apology.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Oh so you predicted that Lamar would turn out to be a crack head?

Amanda Bynes looks like the crazy lady from the conjuring!!!

This article cracked me up!! Thanks so much for the laughs the titles are so funny but true lol.

I got sad about khloe and Lamar's break up too! They were so cute!

Vanity fair, not vogue

I think Justin's had enough time in the spotlight to be honest

It was vanity fair. Not vogue.

Two an alphabet people

It was Vanity Fair that wanted to write about Gwyneth, not Vogue.

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