10 Really Good Celebrity Moms ...


You know what? I’m tired of hearing about bad celebrity mothers on the news. Thank you, Dr. Phil, but we already knew Lindsay Lohan’s mom has issues… do we need to be reminded again? No. You know what I want? I want to hear about good celebrity moms, the ones we admire for their parenting skills, their grace under kid-induced pressure, their glamour through it all. If you agree, keep reading! Here are my picks for 10 really good celebrity moms. Take that, muck-raking media!

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1. Kate Hudson

There are lots of reasons I think Kate Hudson is a good celebrity mom. She’s laid back, not overly indulgent, and she seems to have embraced the idea that children need to express themselves, while still following some key rules. Perhaps she learned some of this from her own good celebrity mom, Goldie Hawn.

2. Victoria Beckham

Once, she was a party girl. Now, she’s a married mom of four who seems to have it all — the uber-fine hubby, the still-hot body, the attitude to take it all on. She’s clearly enamored of her Beckham and their kids, and you never, ever hear anything negative in the tabs, all undoubtedly waiting for even a minor gaffe… which, as far as her parenting skills are concerned, hasn’t happened. I, for one, am impressed.

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3. Angelina Jolie

Love her or loathe her, you have to admit, Angelina Jolie has earned a spot on my list of good celebrity moms, and not just for sheer numbers of children alone. According to reports, all of her children are happy and well-adjusted, not spoiled… in fact, if she or her husband don’t buy it for their children, they don’t get it — unlike most Hollywood kids, they’re not lavished with gifts from salons, studios, and designers.

4. Jada Pinkett Smith

Marvelously gorgeous and talented in her own right, Jada has obviously passed on some of her genes to her two children, though they may have also gotten a good dose from dad Will Smith. She seems to encourage their artistic endeavors, and while some may question her judgment in letting them pursue so much at so young, who are we to say what’s right and what’s not right for her children? I think she’s doing a very fine job, and definitely has earned a spot among these other good celebrity moms, don’t you?

5. Brooke Shields

Though her near-crippling bout of post-partum depression may make some think twice about whether or not she’s a good celebrity mom, I think her frankness about her illness, and her devotion to her children, makes her a shoo-in. Other women who are afflicted with PPD may be uplifted and encouraged by Brooke’s battle, and hopefully, they will seek help and find their way out of the rain, too.

6. Salma Hayek

I admit it. I didn’t even realize Salma Hayek was a mom until I saw her wickedly funny “Got Milk” TV commercial. Then, of course, I had to do some catching up… apparently, she’s another good celebrity mom! She’s very involved with UNICEF and is an outspoken (but never inappropriately pushy) advocate of breastfeeding.

7. Nichole Richie

Like Victoria Beckham, Nicole Richie was also a party girl in her pre-mom days, but this once bad-girl is now a good celebrity mom, a role she relishes far more than any TV appearance or stint in rehab (like her once-friends and fellow party girls). She seems entirely content as a wife and mom, mostly out of the public eye. Good for her… and good for kids, Harlow and Sparrow!

8. Mayim Bialik

You may know her as nerd-girl extreme Amy on Big Bang Theory, but Mayim Bailik — literally — wrote the book on attachment parenting. Her children are the center of her universe (pun intended) and her book, Beyond the Sling, documents her own experience raising loving, confident, well-rounded kids.

9. Sarah Jessica Parker

The mother of three children (including a set of twins), SJP is still the glam-girl of SATC, only much more down-to-earth and mommy-ish. She’s completely devoted to her small brood, keeping them from the public eye as much as possible.

10. Michelle Obama

Never far from the public eye in her role as First Lady, Michelle Obama is the epitome of a good celebrity mom. She’s wholly dedicated to raising her two daughters, even amid the chaos of life in the White House. She sets an amazing example to her daughters, giving them an up-close look at what dignity, presence, persistence, and humor can do. She also happens to be incredibly fit, offering herself as an example of a healthy lifestyle in a country of increasingly obese children.

See, Dr. Phil, there are plenty of good celebrity moms to admire, so let’s concentrate on them for a while, shall we? This isn’t a complete list, of course, but these are my favorite good celebrity mom role models… which of these moms do you admire most? Who would you add to this list?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I think Heidi Klum is a great celebrity mom. Despite her break up with her husband she has put her children first and incorporated their art work into her clothing line.

I think Reese Witherspoon should be # 1 on this list

Reese witherspoon I was Gona say too !!

Why isn't Jessica Alba on this list? I think she's one of the best celebrity moms out there! Especially after her launch of The Honest Company!

Jessica Alba #1

Gwen Stefani

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