No guesses for who topped the list of Top 3 Celebrity Philanthropists as released by Hollyscoop. Of course it is Oprah!!
To be honest I'm sort of bored of seeing her up there every year (3 of the past 4 years). Come on you other filthy rich people, give back!! What is interesting though about this short list is that #2 & #3 are not names you'd normally expect AND all 3 of them are women!
Though honestly, I'm always in awe of Oprah being the kind soul that she is and for all that she does for everyone in that she can help. The talk show queen topped the list by donating $40 million (WOAH!) mainly through her Oprah Winfrey Foundation for a variety of causes.
"There are many generous celebrities, but when you can top a list of celebrity philanthropists three out of four years, as Oprah has, that is saying something,” said Marc Pollick, president of The Giving Back Fund.
At the 2nd spot with just a little over 10% donations as compared to Oprah is novelist Nora Roberts. She donated $4.45 million to the Nora Roberts Foundation to support literacy in under-served communities.
Another surprise entry in the top 3 is Meryl Streep, who came in at #3 giving $4 million to the Silver Mountain Foundation for the Arts.
I wonder where Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Bono, Madonna and the rest of the usual publicised suspects lie on the list.
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